Saturday, 12 August 2006

Easily sidetracked

How time flies ~ it's been almost 2 months since my last post!

A common enemy of living out our dreams is "responsibility". It can cause years, even decades to go by before suddenly one day we wake up and wonder what we've been doing all our lives. Now I am not saying to stop being responsible. But I am saying that responsibilities should not be our excuse for living an unfulfilled life.

It is too easy for most of us to settle for the mediocre: a secure job, a steady income, a life where we can predict what tomorrow will bring. It is easier to settle for what we know and are familiar with rather than taking that step into unknown territory. It is easier to fill our lives with busy-ness and productivity so that we don't have to think about whether we really do enjoy what we are doing, or whether we will regret not "having a go" when we look back at the end of our lives.

Wilkinson addresses this very thing in his book ~ I can totally identify with the main character, Ordinary, living in my very own Land of Familiar. What is my Land of Familiar? Stay tuned for the next post!

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