Saturday, 30 December 2006

Silly me

For two entire weeks now my most recent post has made a fool of me to the entire world, and not one single person told me... until today.

I meant champing at the bit! James is sitting right in front of me now laughing his head off.

Friday, 15 December 2006

How Ironic

The irony of having a dream diary is that if you are busy living out your dream, you may not have time to write in your dream diary.

I have been busy at work training the girl who is taking over my position. This week I came to the sudden realization that yesterday was supposed to be my last full-time day in the office with her ~ next week all staff are required to be at a 2007 planning retreat, at a location 3 hours' drive from Melbourne, and the following week is Christmas so the office is closed until the new year.

So in January, instead of making the clean break I had hoped to, I will still be at the office part-time (one day a week) to tie off the loose ends in the training process.

How ironic that I need to work part-time in January 2007, because I couldn't finish training my replacement during 2006, because I was required to be at a staff retreat, the purpose of which is to plan for 2007.

On a brighter note, I spoke on the phone today to the CEO of the training school with which I will be studying to get my fitness qualifications. Nice guy. The course starts in February ~ hopefully I won't be so busy tying up loose ends at my old job in order to move a step forward towards The Dream that I don't have time to submit the application form I need to submit to be allowed to take that step.

I can't wait to move on. I feel like a horse biting at the champ, waiting to start the race...