Friday, 16 June 2006

No more excuses

Bruce Wilkinson teaches that everyone has a dream. I believe him. His book is leading me to search inside myself and rediscover what my dream - or dreams - are.

For a long time, I thought I was one of those people who doesn't have a dream. But a realisation hit me last night. I have been unknowingly following a pattern set out for me by my parents. As I look at their lives right now, I believe neither of them are living their dreams. Probably their biggest excuse for this is that they are committed to putting family before themselves, whether that be raising and providing for their children or caring for their elderly parents. But just the other day my Dad shared with me that he isn't enjoying life right now - he is overworked and stressed, and I think he feels that there is nothing he can do to change his situation.

On the other side of the coin, I have a husband who is a huge dreamer! One of his biggest dreams is to be a major influence in Australian politics. Late last year he made the decision to go back to university, and this year he commenced part-time studies in a law degree on top of his full-time job.

I was so happy for James and yet at the same time so jealous. Happy because he was taking a pretty big step towards making his dream into a reality. Jealous because for years I had felt I had no dream, and when James started his law degree, I felt that it was my responsibility was to give up my own life and dreams (I thought I had none anyway!) and support him. After all, a law degree was a pretty big financial commitment so I have better keep working in my job to help support my husband.

Last night I realised that I was using James as my excuse, just like my parents, and probably my grandparents, have unknowingly used family as their excuse. I even secretly blamed James for my not having a dream, let alone pursuing one.

So no more excuses for me! I am ready to step out, to give it a go, to fail and to pick myself up again. To break through obstacles and opposition. If you want to dream and feel that you're the only one in your family, you are not alone! Partner with me and we'll encourage and spur one another on!

I am ready to live. Are you?

Thursday, 15 June 2006

Introducing the Dreamer

My name is Fiona and I'm the dreamer.
I personally feel it's nice to be able to attach a face to a name and a blog, so here I am. :)

And so begins the journey...

I picked up this book yesterday at the local Christian book store. It's called The Dream Giver, written by Bruce Wilkinson.

I read the first half of the book in one sitting, I couldn't put it down. This book is the inspiration for starting my own dream diary. I decided to write this diary online - right here - so that others can share in my journey and be inspired to also get out of their comfort zones, exit their "Land of Familiar" and begin their own journey towards the "Promised Land".

I can't promise my story will be the most exciting journey for you, my friend, because, like you, I have no idea what lies ahead. But I certainly hope that my story will inspire you to construct your own.

Let's dare to dream together.